THE PICTURES FROM MAY 16TH CAN BE FOUND AT This boy scout troop gave me a Norman Rockwell moment as they saluted the arriving veterans. What a great idea!!!… Honor Flight is featured in the Jewel of Mall: World War II Memorial book.
Pam Nichols and Amy McDonald of Honor Flight Birmingham got a great write up in the Shelby County Reporter. Their dedication deserves some attention and I wanted to let you all know about it. It’s at Flight is featured in the Jewel of the Mall: World War II Memorial book.
Okay…so I’m wondering around the World War II Memorial taking pictures of veterans and I stopped to jaw with a veteran who turned out to be Fletcher Thorne-Thomsen. I asked him what he did during the War and much to my surprise, he said ” I was the first American into the Dachau Camp!! Wow…so […]
Jay McMaster, Brian Duffy, Dan Finch, Bob Haggard, Jeff Miller, Bill and Bobbi Richards, and Faye Wisely showed up at the WWII Memorial as did Senators Dole and Dole. It was a terrific gathering of approximately 500 Veterans and half again as many guardians. Both Kari and Lea helped with the photography and if you […]
We DC photographers have a motto: “F8 and Be There” which means “…be there or you’re fired”. Well I’m “history” as I’ve been missing everybody in the past two days. Yesterday, I barely caught up with Al Bailey who was traveling with Central Missouri at the WWII Memorial. I arrived just in time to pass […]
What a day!!! The rain held off and Prattville Alabama’s schoolchildren turned out to welcome arriving eight hubs to the WWII Memorial. Serendipitously, their school trip to DC coinicided with the Alabama hub’s plans and they formed up to cheer the Veterans from all the hubs as they entered and left the Memorial. Great stuff! […]
Thanks to Mary Pettinato for reminding me today that it was five years today that the World War II Memorial was opened. Twenty four hours before that I was riding around in a cherry picker 24/7 photographing the last scenics without people. It was pretty cool having it all to myself! Then all of you […]
Mary Pettinato reminded me today that it was five years today that the Memorial was opened (top left). “…On April 29, 2004, the National World War II Memorial opened in Washington, D.C., to thousands of visitors, providing overdue recognition for the 16 million U.S. men and women who served in the war. The memorial is […]
Lona and Judi resting after a long afternoon at the WWII Memorial. Judi had two hundred and fifty people on hand to greet the veterans. Jewel of the Mall: World War II Memorial book is a 120 page full color book on the WWII Memorial.
With over 100 volunteers between Dulles, BWI, National Airports and the thirty at the WWII Memorial, DC Ground Crew is staffed up to take some numbers and Honor Flight brought them on. Over 1000 veterans from ten hubs pouring into the Memorial, DC lived up to its reputation for not only its beauty but its […]
From George Kerestes, greeter, volunteer, bon vivant and good friend of the National Park Service, Honor Flight and the WWII Memorial generation. “…Today after you left and the weather cooperated for an hour the Honor Flight from Central Illinois arrived at the World War II Memorial. They were led by one of our favorite […]
Tracy Briggs (noticed the tricked out shirts with the snazzy logos!….the usual North Dakota SWAG!) and Judy Lemmons were on hand today with Senator Dole, the Hoosier and Central Illinois Honor Flights at the WWII Memorial. Tracy and Judy are in town for the week planning some events for the Fall and will also […]
If you want to see a homecoming celebration, check out Honor Flight Chicago‘s amazing homecoming last week. It may have been raining cats and dogs here but Chicago was rocking for their veterans 1800 people turned out and it’s a well-documented event which is well worth a few moments to look at. Their images are […]
This Saturday, April 18th George Kerestes told me veterans were “falling out of the sky.” And he was right! 450 veterans from North Carolina, New York, and “more” from North Carolina, the Winnebago flight, Faye Wisely from Michigan, and Dian Holland brought veterans from all over to see the World War II Memorial. The weather […]
What a great day at the WWII Memorial! Master fund raiser Lance Akers showed up today. What a guy! He has formed a fund raising training company and if he’s giving courses on raising money, I’m on board! Lance methodically made sure that Fargo had plenty of money, volunteers and the best “SWAG” […]
Afer a rainy day on the Mall, I got this from Mary Pettinato of Chicago Honor Flight: “…The Welcome Home Celebration was our best yet. We had over 1800 people to greet our vets/ Rolling Thunder, Guradian Angel riders and many more scary looking bikers. To contrast that, we had little JonBenet Ramsey’s wearing crowns […]
The only critter today not wearing a raincoat was this duck which seemed eminently comfortable despite the waves of downpours which greeted Honor Flights from Chicago, South Carolina, North Dakota and Ohio. Having seen worse, the veterans got out to the WWII Memorial, posed for pictures and had a great time. Senator Dole showed up […]
Despite a heavy rain, Michigan, Ohio and Louisiana made their way to the WWII Memorial today. When I arrived Rick Sage, his wife and Bill and Bobbi Richards were at the WWII Memorial today and were soon joined by Senators Robert and Elizabeth Dole. While the weather was clearing, the Senators climbed aboard the buses […]
I’ve been scanning seemingly zillions of photographs I’ve taken over the past thirty years. Today, I found this picture taken in 1997. It was made on an early Fall morning for an advertising poster for Australian Radio. At that time, the big reflecting pool was practically always empty and the Memorial’s original pool was a […]
Nice to have two Senators in one family! Senator Elizabeth Dole greeted veterans of Honor Air Knoxville in the absence of Senator Robert Dole who was in Kansas today. She is pictured here with Ed Mannis and his father. There were approximately 110 veterans and seventy guardians at the WWII Memorial. The weather was brisk […]
For the third year in a row and my first group picture of 2009, Erwin Smith of the Oneida Rotary Club made a trip by bus with a group of fifty. Each year, they decide to extend their stay and this year they are here for three full days. The weather had just cleared as […]
I have the opportunity to work in an advisory capacity to Honor Flight Chicago and want to congratulate them on the release of a beautiful, moving and professional video on the Honor Flight movement. Narrated by Gary Sinise and with a beautiful guitar background by Jay Farrar, the piece was cut in Chicago and Los […]
Jeff and Tam Miller escorted Mrs. Viicki Lee, former fiance of Robert Tills, the first US serviceman to be killed in combat in the Pacific Theater, to attend his burial 68 years later at Arlington Cemetery. Defense Link has a brief synopsis of the Tills incident and why he was being buried sixty-eight years later. […]
Judy Lemmons asked me to post a notice about a very exciting Raffle. This is an absolutely rare opportunity and while I don’t normally gamble, I think I’ll be buying some chances!!! Flying with a demonstration team is the stuff of photographic legend and the photographer here had a really nice photo opportunity. And you’ll […]