“F8 and Be There”…May 6, 2009

WWII Memorial

We DC photographers have a motto: “F8 and Be There” which means “…be there or you’re fired”. Well I’m “history” as I’ve been missing everybody in the past two days.  Yesterday, I barely caught up with Al Bailey who was traveling with Central Missouri at the WWII Memorial. I arrived just in time to pass off some books to him and to Western Iowa at the Korean Memorial. Today, I finally caught up with Barry Booth of Honor Flight South Alabama and we had a few minutes to “jaw”.  My apologies to the groups I’ve missed.  The photos are available on my photo website.

WWII Memorial Alabama was totally color coordinated (red for Guardians, Yellow for Veterans and Green for “aliens”?) were mixing it up by the Alabama pillar with Senator Sessions and Congressman Jo Bonner while Jim Burton, bagpiper played. Another volunteer,  it’s great to hear him playing rasta on those pipes!!! The rain held off and Barry Booth and the group leaders posed a bit on the North Walkway….”where did they get those shirts?”  The vets all had flags in their hats and it was a festive group of 91 veterans and 40 plus veterans.  We’ve been just printing and giving  away money in Washington these days and I missed seeing Senator Dole who normally has something to say about our current stimulus packages.  George Kerestes was on duty as were a couple of National Park Service Rangers who’ve taken an active interest in Honor Flight and assist with the Veterans.

WWII Memorial

Honor Flight is featured in Jewel of the Mall: World War II Memorial book.

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