Central Illinois showed up on what must be the most beautiful day of the year: about 82 degees, 10 knots of wind and nice fat dry clouds for intermittent shade. After a Springtime of rain, hopefully we are going to stay dry for our Summer flights. Don Niehart was leading 28 WWII Veterans and almost […]
I arrived at the WWII Memorial to see a clump of plastic raincoats and umbrellas and there was Senator Dole in the midst of the early morning crowd. The rain soon turned torrential and lightning began to strike and he and Mrs. Dole went to the car for a bit. We thought we would convince […]
The Windy City rolled into DC which should be renamed the “Soggy City” this year. There were ninety-one Veterans and another 90 guardians in blissful tow. They arrived at the WWII Memorial a bit late in the afternoon because they had visited the other Memorials before they got to the WWII to enable the Veterans […]
A site dedicated to the WWII Memorial and the veterans who preserved our way of life during WWII. I’m Stephen R. Brown and the author of “WWII Memorial: Jewel of the Mall”. The book is available on the Mall and Amazon. I post new images of Honor Flight Veterans at the Memorial on Wednesday and Saturday evenings. These images CAN BE DOWNLOADED FOR […]
Wandering far afield, George Kerestes chose to spend this D-Day in Bedford, “WE DO REMEMBER. WE WILL REMEMBER” Those were the key words from this past weekend when I had the honor to attend the 65th Anniversary of D-Day at the “National D-Day Memorial” in Bedford Virginia. On that day I was one of over 4,000 […]
From Judy Lemmons, Honor Flight: A BIG thank you to each one of you for the absolute “service before self” attitude you displayed this past weekend in support of one of our heroes, Mr Fred Wedhorn of Tucson Arizona. This Lone Eagle wasn’t lonely very long. Every detail was thought of and executed with such […]
Kari Beardsley and Leah Puttkammer made yesterday’s images and did a spectacular job. The really got into gear and captured Brian Duffy, Earl Morse, Bobbi and Bill Richards and some WWII buffs dressed in combat uniforms greeting our veterans at the WWII Memorial. Their photography is becoming more sophisticated every week and Kari always does […]
Senators Robert and Elizabeth Dole flew over yesterday to attend the Normandy D-day Festivities with President Obama today and tomorrow. Mike Marshall and Marion Watkins accompanied them along with some 80 veterans. Now that has to be exciting. And hopefully some good press for Honor Flight. I spend a lot of time with Senator Dole […]
March 11, 2010 HBO and Honor Flight My schedule shows no further flights until April and I recommend that you go to http://heroeswelcome.handzonsitemaker.com/# and I will soon have information up on arrival at the Memorial. Honor Flight is featured in the Jewel of the Mall: World War II Memorial book.
Alabama Honor Flight is featured in Hoffman Media’s new “Celebrate” magazine which goes to press today. Linda Wright and her staff did a beautiful job on the layout and design of the images and it was a pleasure working with them. It’s also a pleasure to be able to use my images to honor Pam, […]
Daniel Arant will be giving a Battle of Midway talk this Saturday (06 June) and selected following Saturdays at WWII Memorial. He will have a display of about sixty annotated 8×10 photos provided by U.S. Naval Institute, graphics, and Pacific Ocean map. The talk lasts about 20 minutes. Weather forecast so far looks good for this Saturday.
Dan Arant has been a National Park Service volunteer sine 1993 and serves at the Vietnam Memorial and the WWII Memorial. His current topics are: Pearl Harbor, Midway, and Iwo Jima. Future planned topics are: The Battle of the Atlantic, Japan’s Kamikaze Force, and the Surrener Ceremony on the USS Missouri. Each talk is supported […]
As there were ceremonies later today at the Lincoln celebrating it’s restoration, most of the Veterans Groups made their trips to the Lincoln, Vietnam and Korean Memorials to avoid the crowds. Jeff Miller and I started off at National Airport where US Airways honored the planes with music and festivities as well as the ceremonial […]
Fifth Anniversary of the WWII Memorial By George Kerestes At today’s program, Friends of the National World War II Memorial (http://www.wwiimemorialfriends.org/) joined with the National Park Service in a special program recognizing the 5th anniversary of the dedication of the Memorial. The program included music by the United States Marine Band, and a bugler and color guard from the […]
We flew a trip on May 16, 2009 with the “regular” array of our WWII heroes. I ushered them through the normal choreography of visiting the WWII Memorial, Iwo Jima Marine Memorial and the Korean War Memorial in one day. When we offloaded at the Korean Memorial, one of the veterans asked “Brian, are […]
Their are 650,000 motorcycles in town scheduled to ride the Rolling Thunder Ride and one of the Fairfax American Legion riders on a trike offered Senator Elizabeth Dole a ride. She hopped right on and off they went. She is game for everything and it was a pleasure for everyone to see her on the […]
Mr. and Mrs. Lacey of “Honor Bus” located in Mechanicsburg, Pa drove all the way down to DC today to present Senator Dole with his own five pound chocolate bar. The only other person to get this honor from Hershey Chocolates was Mick Jagger… so “rock on” Senator and make sure you share. The cover […]
As I walked onto the Memorial grounds today, Lona and her crew of volunteers were getting ready to greet the Connecticut Honor Flight. As usual, the chairs were laid out, the food ready and the water in plentiful supply. They take turns escorting the veterans around the Memorial and then making sure they get food […]
THE PICTURES FROM MAY 16TH CAN BE FOUND AT http://srbphoto.zenfolio.com/p250843225 This boy scout troop gave me a Norman Rockwell moment as they saluted the arriving veterans. What a great idea!!!… Honor Flight is featured in the Jewel of Mall: World War II Memorial book.
Pam Nichols and Amy McDonald of Honor Flight Birmingham got a great write up in the Shelby County Reporter. Their dedication deserves some attention and I wanted to let you all know about it. It’s at http://www.shelbycountyreporter.com/news/2009/may/15/shelby-county-veterans-visit-world-war-ii-memorial/Honor Flight is featured in the Jewel of the Mall: World War II Memorial book.
Okay…so I’m wondering around the World War II Memorial taking pictures of veterans and I stopped to jaw with a veteran who turned out to be Fletcher Thorne-Thomsen. I asked him what he did during the War and much to my surprise, he said ” I was the first American into the Dachau Camp!! Wow…so […]
Jay McMaster, Brian Duffy, Dan Finch, Bob Haggard, Jeff Miller, Bill and Bobbi Richards, and Faye Wisely showed up at the WWII Memorial as did Senators Dole and Dole. It was a terrific gathering of approximately 500 Veterans and half again as many guardians. Both Kari and Lea helped with the photography and if you […]
We DC photographers have a motto: “F8 and Be There” which means “…be there or you’re fired”. Well I’m “history” as I’ve been missing everybody in the past two days. Yesterday, I barely caught up with Al Bailey who was traveling with Central Missouri at the WWII Memorial. I arrived just in time to pass […]
What a day!!! The rain held off and Prattville Alabama’s schoolchildren turned out to welcome arriving eight hubs to the WWII Memorial. Serendipitously, their school trip to DC coinicided with the Alabama hub’s plans and they formed up to cheer the Veterans from all the hubs as they entered and left the Memorial. Great stuff! […]