First Flights: Birmingham, Alabama

WWII MemorialAmy McDonald and Pam Nichols stand next to Senator Dole and Congresswoman Kaptur at an Honor Flight Press Briefing held at the WWII Memorial. This was Alabama’s first flight and according to Amy “we had a great day and I’m still swirling in all the emotion. It was our first flight and we learned a lot. We got there and back safely, our guardians were wonderful, the vets had a heck of a time, so we feel it was a success.

Our journey with Honor Flight began about 6 months ago when I saw the piece on CBS Sunday Morning about Jeff Miller’s group from North Carolina. I was so touched and moved. I called the national office the next day to ask about my students (I’m a high school teacher) doing a fundraiser. They put Earl on the line and before I knew it what started out as a simple fundraiser became much larger. 🙂

Little did I know that Pam Nichols, our other co-director, had seen the same coverage of Jeff Miller’s group. She emailed me, we had a meeting of people who who were interested, and it went from there. Pam’s company, Noland Health Services, also made a huge corporate donation to fund our first flight. Since that time, things have grown immensely. We assembled a wonderful board of directors and have almost 200 vets on our waiting list. After our trip yesterday and the media coverage we are receiving, we expect an even larger response…”. Pictures can be found at the Photo Site.

Honor Flight is featured in Jewel of the Mall: World War II Memorial book.

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