“Horizon to Horizon”
My photography has taken on a new mobility. Take a look at the pictures of Earl Morse’s new RV which was donated to Honor Flight. “Pimp My Ride, Dude!!!” In my wildest dreams, I never thought of my photographs on wheels.  I can’t wait for the Park Service to see it.  If only I could sell books out of the back window of the RV down by the World War II Memorial. Who needs that kiosk?  If you look closely at the pictures, you see characters from Honor Flights and scenes from the book and blog.  It’s a new medium for me and as Earl said to the Priceless Images Company who apparently did the work, it’s “jaw dropping” and so it is.   I’ve got some thoughts for my motorcycle which would then maybe be a “tax deduction”….now that’s jaw dropping!

Honor Flight Bus, World War II Memorial Photographs

Honor Flight is featured in Jewel of the Mall: World War II Memorial book.

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