Smile you “huskers”….

World War II Memorial

As I strolled over to the World War II Memorial after greeting Bill and Evonne Wiliams at the bus, I heard a young women (left) shouting “Smile you Huskers!” . Wow!! another “serial cusser” I thought to myself… and I headed over to meet her only to find out that “huskers” has something to do with corn–that exotic vegetable they grow in Nebraska.

Decked out in red shirts, the Nebraska veterans spread out quickly around the Memorial on I think our hottest day to date. They were eating on the bus (a good idea on a hot day) so there was no tent duty and Diane Sinclair quickly mastered the art of two fisted shooting.  _DSC3118
World War II Memorial

Several video crews accompanied the veterans who quickly made the acquaintance of just about eveyone out on the Mall. It’s wonderful to see ordinary tourists (if there is such a thing) respond so positively to the Veterans. It was soon the usual love fest and the vets and tourists were taking pictures together and exchanging addresses.
A troop of boy scouts from McLean was there because their scoutmaster is originally from Nebraska. It was great fun and we are going to have to be careful that Diane doesn’t take over photo duty and leave me at the tent. Senator Chuck Hegel showed up as did Senator Ben Nelson (both below and to left) and quite a few people ended up hanging out in the shade just South of the Memorial.
Senator Dole was unable to attend as he was at Senator Helms funeral but sent his regards. He and I are now even, each having missed two days this year. This is a contest I am going to lose because he can take the HEAT!!!! …and I am just going to melt.
Bill and Evonne are plannng on two more flights this September and Humana, a health organization in Nebraska, is sponsoring the purchase of the Jewel of the Mall book and deserve some applause. Nebraska has 800 plus vets still on the list so we will be seeing lots of the Williams family. The zenfolio site and pictures for download are available by clicking on the blue type.
Honor Flight is featured in Jewel of the Mall: World War II Memorial book.
World War II Memorial
Senator Chuck Hegel with Veterans.

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