Kilroy Returns

Kilroy, WWII MemorialKilroyent_dscn1472
Located in the entrance to the service entrance of the WWII Memorial is a cartoon face with the caption “Kilroy Was Here.” For the past month, he’s been inaccessible because of the sidewalk expansion which is now finished.  One of the Park Rangers told me that people who don’t know who Kilroy was have reported the cartoon as graffitti but …. c’mon….who was Kilroy? Make your thoughts known in the comments area below.   I’ve heard that he was an engineer who inspected wartime projects and signed off on projects with “Kilroy was here.” He’s got his own website. When you’re at the Memorial, take a look. While you’re waiting to get there, do some research and let us know who Kilroy was and how he got everywhere.

Jewel of the Mall: World War II Memorial is a 120 page full color photographic book on the WWII Memorial.

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