Honor Flight Network is bringing 10000 vets to DC!!!

WWII MemorialHonor Flight is an organization curently in 24 states that is sending WWII veterans to DC to see their Memorial. In 2007, Earl Morse, his family and Jeff Miller sent 5000 vets for FREE to DC and this year are planning on getting 10000 vets to the WWII Memorial. If you wish to make a donation or get involved, the link is above. Images from the various flights can be seen at photo site.

The planes filled with Veterans are greeted by fire trucks as they arrive at the airport, crowds cheer as they deplane and the DC and National Park Police give them a motorcycle escort. On Saturdays, Senator Dole, the “unofficial greeter” is always there to shake hands, have photographs taken with him and say hello. When the veterans arrive home, they are given a copy of my book “Jewel of the Mall.” As an author, I can say that I have found my audience and its gratifying. If you are a non-profit working with veterans and interested in significant discounts on the books, call the studio at 202-667-1965 or email me at srb@srbphoto.comEllenbergdscn2205Southmemorialdscn2199Dsc_0019

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