The only critter today not wearing a raincoat was this duck which seemed eminently comfortable despite the waves of downpours which greeted Honor Flights from Chicago, South Carolina, North Dakota and Ohio. Having seen worse, the veterans got out to the WWII Memorial, posed for pictures and had a great time. Senator Dole showed up and waded through crowds of Veterans under the bookstore awning and is seen with Al Bailey introducing him on the Quad Cities bus before departing for work.
South Carolina led by Bill Dukes had an inspiring ceremony with flags and quite a crowd by the South Carolina pillar while Jan Merrick’s crew posed for pictures near the bookstore. Seth Haring and Marion Watkins worked with Senator Dole. In the picture below right, Lynne Douglas of the South Carolina Airport authority poses here with two veterans. My trusty 8400 digicam expired today after taking 5500 images of Honor Flight and other veterans groups. Time for a new toy!!!
Honor Flight is featured in Jewel of the Mall: World War II Memorial.