Old Glory Honor Flight lead by Drew McDonald arrived yesterday with eighty veterans and as many guardians and family. It made for a nice set of pictures as several families flew in and surprised their Veteran relatives at the Memorial. Temperatures were DC HOT but a strong breeze and lots of umbrellas kept everyone comfortable. The group flew last night to Kenosha, Wisconsin and the Experimental Aviation Association annual meet up. They were greeted by an estimated 20 to 30 thousand people. As is my custom, the images from these Honor Flights are downloadable for personal use.
I used to make myself useful at Honor Flights by taking responsibility for group pictures but as you can see, I am no longer necessary which makes it all the more fun. No pressure! I am amazed and energized every time I go down to the Memorial to witness an Honor Flight. George Kerestes, Vice-Admiral Dirk J. Debrink and James A. Percoco, the new educational director for Friends of the WWII Memorial were there as well and we had a chance to chat about mounting a wider educational campaign about the WWII Memorial. The Veterans Network Committee lead by Randy Granath of Northern Illinois is sending six local World War II veterans to Washington, D.C., on Friday as part of the Old Glory flight.