Guilding my day…

The Guild of Professional Tour Guides of Washington, DC

I had the opportunity this morning to show my work to the Guild of Professional Tour Guides of Washington, DC. What a gracious group and what an appreciative audience! Throughout my career, I’ve seen these Guild Guides in Museums, on the Mall, in historic houses…. always leading groups of people and adorned in large conspicuous hats, bright cloting or even brighter umbrellas!  They are extraordinarily well-educated and interesting people who can make your life easy and interesting while you are in DC.  They do a lot of education with their membership and have affiliations around the world. Their professionalism is unrivaled.

THESE ARE MY PEOPLE!!!  They understood perfectly why you would spend six years of your life studying the Mall!!!! They know all the secrets in DC, were intensely familiar with the bas reliefs at the WWII Memorial and I had a great time sharing my experiences with them.  The Spy Museum were wonderful hosts and in the short four years they have been opened, have had 4 million visitors.  I would like to thank Ellen Gold and everyone at the Guild for a most pleasant morning.   As a “friend of the Guild”, I look forward to spending more time with you all.
Jewel of the Mall: World War II Memorial is a 120 page full color photographic book on the WWII Memorial. 

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