Kilroy Returns
Kilroy Returns

Located in the entrance to the service entrance of the WWII Memorial is a cartoon face with the caption “Kilroy Was Here.” For the past month, he’s been inaccessible because of the sidewalk expansion which is now finished.  One of the Park Rangers told me that people who don’t know who Kilroy was have reported […]

An Early Summer
An Early Summer

 It’s rumored that the British are paid extra “tropical” pay for working in DC and today, you might very well believe that.  It was 96 degrees at 10AM and the haze was on the water in front of the Jefferson.  The Plaza of the WWII Memorial was also “cooking” but as usual Senator Dole and […]


Photographers played their part in WWII and made a treasure trove of beautiful and moving historic images. The first person to find the location of the cameraman on the bas reliefs (he’s using a Speed Graphic) gets a free book.  There are I believe 255 figures in the bas reliefs along the North and South […]