Tracy Briggs (shown with co-host Scott Hennen) is a morning talk show host out of Fargo, North Dakota who has spearheaded the North Dakota, Nebraska and Minnesota Honor Flights. The WDAY site today reads: WDAY WWII HONOR FLIGHT TO TAKE “BONUS” TRIP Because of overwhelming support from the community and sponsors the WDAY WWII Honor Flight […]
Earl Morse is a retired physician’s assistant and pilot who began flying vets from Ohio to the WWII Memorial in Washington in 2005. He was soon joined by Jeff Miller out of Hendersonville, North Carolina who began to charter jets. If you go to the Honor Flight schedule you will see flights of Veterans going […]
Honor Flight is an organization curently in 24 states that is sending WWII veterans to DC to see their Memorial. In 2007, Earl Morse, his family and Jeff Miller sent 5000 vets for FREE to DC and this year are planning on getting 10000 vets to the WWII Memorial. If you wish to make a […]
Stephen R. Brown has been a professional photographer and writer for twenty-five years. His images and articles on photography have appeared in Smithsonian, Life, Newsweek, Time, Fortune, the New York Times, Natonal Geographic Books, Broadcasting & Cable, American Photo, Photo Techniques, etc. His work been exhibited in solo shows here and abroad and in “Indelible […]
Bob Janiskee of National Parks Traveler did an excellent review of my “WWII Memorial: Jewel of the Mall” book. To quote: …”This is a powerful book. It will please your eye and bring your patriotic juices to boil. One caveat: If you have fancied yourself a fair photographer, paging through this book may make you […]