Unsung Heroes
Unsung Heroes

Too frequently, I overlook Jim McLaughlin, the president of Honor Flight, who specializes in Lone Eagle and TLC flights–flights for those vets who for health reasons need to travel to the World War II  Memorial right away or are geographically out of reach or for some reason or another, unable to join regularly scheduled flights. […]

Touring the Bas Reliefs at the World War II Memorial
Touring the Bas Reliefs at the World War II Memorial

As I mentioned earlier, Senator Dole joined the veterans as Earl Morse was giving them the tour of the bas reliefs which greet the visitor from the front entrance to the World War II Memorial.  The twenty four bas reliefs contain 255 figures and their construction is what lead me to initially begin this project. […]

Honor Flight Michigan again!!!
Honor Flight Michigan again!!!

Honor Flight Michigan lead by Rick Sage was in for the sixth trip of the year. Dave Cameron must be proud!!!! It was absolutely the smoothest day of all. I got the group picture and after a flag ceremony,  Earl Morse lead them off on a tour of the Memorial and Senator Dole strolled in […]