Dan Arant has been a National Park Service volunteer sine 1993 and serves at the Vietnam Memorial and the WWII Memorial. His current topics are: Pearl Harbor, Midway, and Iwo Jima. Future planned topics are: The Battle of the Atlantic, Japan’s Kamikaze Force, and the Surrener Ceremony on the USS Missouri. Each talk is […]
The WWII Memorial has become a place where people can channel their love and grief. Doing the “Jewel of the Mall” book has brought me some beautiful letters… and I thought I would share this one with you and remind you that you should make sure the veterans in your town are registered with […]
Chuck Kennedy, a good friend and great photographer has done several feature articles on Honor Flight for McClatchy Newspapers. He came up with a totally unique view for the inauguration. You probably saw it in your local paper as it was distributed internationally and has become the “defining” picture of the day. There is an article […]